How many times did your golf coach say “raise your elbow” at the top of your back swing?
How about counting on one hand the number of times you whacked the ball into the trees?
What is a golf coach?
Perhaps your coach is more like a fan, offering advice as your game improves steadily. Good for you. In that case, your golf coach still needs gratitude for sticking with you. The end of the season has drawn to a close and your coach will likely be putting his golf notes away till next semester.
What can I get for my golf coach?
Get him a present that will remind him fondly of your lessons together, or something so fantastic that will help remember you forever.
We want to provide you with a great list from which to choose the best gifts. Whether you have a low or high budget we have you covered.
You want to skip the predictable gift bags and wrapped rectangular boxes, too? Imagine unique ways to wrap up your gift.
You really can’t go wrong when you choose from what we’ve listed here: offer your golf coach a prize he won’t fore-get.
Golf Coach Gifts Under $50 on Amazon
The Multi Tool Golf Kit Is Awesome
The Ace Golf Play Like a Pro is an amazing gift that by its useful nature cannot collect dust.
Looks great hanging off any golf bag and perfect for the avid golfer who enjoys a clean club for each swing.
Golf’s best-kept secret are the sensibly-priced Vice Golf Galls
They are high-quality pro golf balls at a great price.
The Vice Pro set features the logos of the major NBA Teams
So if you don’t already know, find out who he’ll be cheering on this winter, and make your selection!
Give a traditional golfer’s hat to your Coach
But be sure to choose well! The Cobra King Cap comes in a huge range of colors. You might want to interview his friends and family about color choice, or choose something bright and wild that will make him laugh and wear even if it doesn’t match his golf jacket!
Put the gift in an affordable golf shoe bag
Use a golf shoe bag as the gift box for your goodies.
Attach a bow and card to the handle
Tuck some Vice Pro golf balls in the side pockets (keep the rest for yourself), insert the golf hat in the middle, and the multi-tool kit in the center for a fun treasure just for coach.
Golf Coach Gifts Under $100 on Amazon
Include in your gift ideas a thermal travel mug for your coach for his coffee on those colder days, or any day of the year! The innovative drip-proof lid will keep his coffee in the cup, and this set of two will come useful on a regular basis for your coach.
He likely already has a pair of golf shoes, but a second pair is always useful on the green in case of rain. Choose the top-of-the-line Nike footwear to show your coach the appreciation he deserves.
For the good weather, and even with the glare of headlights or snow, your coach will appreciate these uv-protecting sunglasses. They also come in a variety of color choices so that when you find out your coach’s color preference, you can make the perfect choice.
Pack these and other choice gifts in a car golf locker
It has space for your coaches golf balls, golf wear, tees, pens and shoes and will make it easy for him to find what he needs and keep his belongings safe and organized.
Premium Golf Coach Gifts on Amazon
Why does everyone love Pro V1 golf balls?
Since we’re now in the premium budget, why not go all out with your gift of golf balls for your coach? The Pro V1 balls are for all, and this set even allows you to personalize them with three rows of text that add a personal touch to your gift.
Does your coach own a range finder?
He will want to swap up for this one, an exclusive tool that vibrates when he hits his target. With features that help tackle a variety of slopes and club selection, it’s clear and precise even with shaky hands.
Would your coach love a golf watch?
The most exclusive item on this list is without a doubt the Garmin Approach S60
A GPS watch that has settings for not only golf but 6 other sports! It will display for your coach full-color maps of over 40 000 golf courses worldwide.
What is the best Golf Travel Bag?
Your coach might prefer to use his regular golf bag for routine tournaments and games, but this travel golf bag is so prestigious and dignified, he will want to place his favorite clubs in it and bring it for special events.
Click here to see our review of this amazing golf bag. It is so light and the way it wheels is really cool.
The above items will fit well inside for a truly un-fore-gettable gift.
No puttering around!
Now you’re ready to offer a thoughtful, unique gift given in a memorable way to your golf coach.
No matter what you choose from this list, your gift will not end up on a shelf or in storage; it will fit your coach to a tee!